Our Menu

Open 7 days a week from 9am - 5pm (last kitchen orders 4pm).

We’re recruiting! If you’d like to join our team, please see our recruitment page for more detail about how to apply.

An Important Note on Allergens

Please be aware that we can’t guarantee that any item on our menu is suitable for a person with allergies. Our food will be prepared freshly on site and there is a risk of cross-contamination.

Although we have some products made to a vegan recipe, these are not suitable for those with dairy and egg allergies for the reason above.

Our team at the counter will be happy to let you know which of the 14 declarable allergens are within the ingredients of each of our dishes on the menu. However, please still bear in mind the caveat above regarding cross-contamination. Please check each time you order as occasionally we need to update our recipes. This is particularly important at this time whilst supply chains are still sometimes disrupted, and changes need to be made to ingredients as we navigate shortages.

Thank you for your understanding, always asking and for taking care.